What Causes Aging Skin?
In order to develop anti-aging skin care strategies you need to understand the fundamentals of what causes it? There has been much research done in this area and it all comes to the conclusion that there are two types of aging:
1)Intrinsic (internal) aging which is caused by genes that are inherited from our parents. These genes have hereditary patterns that control to a degree how our skin responds to environmental factors causing natural aging. These are difficult to control.
2)Extrinsic (external) aging which is caused by external factors. These are the environment factors like exposure to UVA and UVB rays. These factors are much easier to control.
Intrinsic Aging
Our bodies begin to age the minute we are born. We mature to adults until our twenties and then the second phase of aging starts. Its this second phase of aging that people want to slow or halt. In this phase our skin gradually begins to lose its elasticity which is caused by several factors. Research has shown that collagen production begins to slow and elastin becomes less elastic. Also the production of dead skin cells slows and the start of new skin cells slows. Some typical signs of intrinsic aging are:
- wrinkles
- thinning skin/ transparent skin
- drying skin
- drooping eyelids
- sagging/loose skin in the jawbone area
- bags under the eyes
- pattern baldness for men or women
- thinning hair
- hair growth in unwanted areas
- reduced ability to sweat/ cool the skin
- Bones can shrink causing sagging skin
- loss of fatty tissues resulting in loss of firmness in the cheeks, eye sockets, hands and neck
Extrinsic Aging
There are a variety of external/ environmental factors that age our skin simultaneously with the intrinsic factors to cause premature aging of our skin. The most common causes of extrinsic aging are:
- sun exposure (the most common)
- gravity
- sleeping positions
- smoking
- drinking
- poor diet
- stress
- repetitive facial expressions like frowning
Aging caused by sun exposure is called "photoaging" by dermatologists. The amount of photoaging is determined by the persons skin color(fair skin ages faster than darker skins) and their history of long-term sun exposure. When the skin photoages it loses the ability to fix itself and the damage piles up by breaking down collagen and reducing the making of new collagen. Elastin is also damaged by the sun resulting in reduced elasticity of the skin(sagging).
If you have fair skin and get a freckle over night you may assume that photoaging happens suddenly when actually it happens gradually beneath the surface of the skin for years undetected. A technology has been developed called UV photography which allows you to view the damage underneath your skin.
You can view some photos of UV photography here
The gravitational forces that keeps us from floating away into space also pushes on our bodies attacking our elasticity in our skin. A few noticeable results of this are a drooping nose, ear lobes, and eyelids.
There is a ton of scientific research out there and growing daily about how smoking accelerates aging. Studies have shown a few side affects of smoking for 10+ years can give you a more deeply wrinkled, leathery skin, cause a yellowish hue and blotches on fingers, hands and generally all over the body.
Facial Expressions
Every time you use a facial muscle a groove forms beneath the surface of the skin which is what causes lines in our skin when we make facial expressions. When the skin starts to lose elasticity these grooves become more noticeable causing fine lines and wrinkles
Sleeping positions
sleeping the same way for years causes sleeping lines which lead to wrinkles. If you sleep on your side or with your face down into the pillow you will develop sleeplines easier. The best way to avoid these sleeeplines is to sleep on your back so your skin doesn't get crumpled against anything in your sleep.
So what can you do to prevent premature aging caused by intrinsic and extrinsic factors?
- Avoid tanning altogether and reduce your sun exposure. When you decide to go out make sure you have sunscreen year around
- quit smoking immediately. There is research showing that people who quit smoking can still avoid many of the affects of long term smokers
- Avoid drinking excess alcohol.
- Stay out of the sun between 10am to 4pm when the sun's rays are the strongest
- Use a broad spectrum sunscreen(UVA and UVB) with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 15 or higher
- Use a good moisturizer with collagen when your skin is dry
- Research your family history and create an anti aging program for yourself
- reduce stress by meditating or take time away from your problems
Other alternatives include cosmetic treatments, surgery, hair transplants, and other choices to slow the external signs of aging skin. Some cosmetic procedures include:
- injectable fillers
- botulinum toxin
- radiofrequency
- dermabrasion
- laser resurfacing
- chemical peeling
- microdermalabrasion
Research in this area is increasing and will likely yield better future products. The best way to keep up with the latest products that work is to consult with a dermatologist and design a program around their suggestions. You can also try the UV photography to get a glimpse first hand of the sun's handiwork.
If you are lucky and live long enough, aging skin will catch up to you and the years you acquire will eventually show on your face. One of the healthiest things you can do for yourself is to work on accepting your aging process with dignity…and grace…and style.